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Frequently Asked Questions
Let us help answer some of the questions you might have
Why should I use a travel advisor from Fun Vacay?
Fun Vacay Travels is a full-service travel agency dedicated to helping you get the most out of your travel experience. Our advisors have extensive knowledge of the industry and can help you save money, time, and stress when planning your trip. We offer personalized services to ensure you get the best value and experience for your vacation.
Why should I book with Fun Vacay and not on my own?
Booking with Fun Vacay Travels comes with the assurance that you are in the hands of professionals with extensive training in bringing you the best vacation experience. Our team is dedicated to helping you create lasting memories from your travels.
Is there a cost to work with Fun Vacay?
Most of the vacations we plan are 100% fee free! Travel suppliers give us a commission on the back end after our clients travel allowing us to not charge planning fees. However, there are certain circumstances and or travelling destinations where we do require a planning fee to cover the cost of our planning services. All vacations are different, but well advise you of any planning fees before we get started.
Can I still help plan my vacation or does Fun Vacay have to do it all?
The best part about booking with us is that you get to tell use what you want help with! We can be involved in as much of the planning or as little of the planning as you want. However, once our agency makes reservations on your behalf the reservations must remain in our care as it has been linked to an agency. (i.e. Fun vacay books your Disney vacation, we cannot turn the entire reservation over to you as the reservation has been linked to our agency. It must be completed through the agency, or cancelled.)
How do I pay for my vacation package?
When you book a vacation package through our agency, all payments must be processed on the agency's behalf using our agencies credentials. Payments get directly applied to the suppliers. Credit cards are required for making deposit and payments for all suppliers. We do not accept cash or checks for payments.
Should I purchase travel insurance?
Yes, we highly recommend purchasing travel insurance to protect yourself financially in the event of unexpected cancellations or other unforeseen events. This is especially true for international travel. Travel insurance is a small, extra added cost which will give you peace of mind knowing your vacation is protected.
If a better deal is announced after I book my trip, can Fun Vacay still apply the discount?
Absolutely! We are usually alerted about discounts/promotions before the general public. We constantly monitor and apply those discounts to your package to ensure your getting the lowest vacation package pricing possible.
Can Fun Vacay work with clients with special needs?
Of course! We work with travelers with special needs on a regular basis and are aware of the challenges these travelers face while travelling. We’re happy to answer all your questions and provide you with advice.
Does Fun Vacay book group travel?
Yes! Group travel is one of our specialties. Weather your a group of 12 or a group of 100+, we have the experience and knowledge to accommodate your group to ensure everyone needs are meet and provide you with a well organized vacation.
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